Monday, December 12, 2011
Life like today these day
Academic life, in the morning I go to the university three time a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), I'm since 8:30 am at 3 pm, in the afternoon every day I go to institute Chileno Norteamericano to improve my English, I'm on the level 5 of 10, I'm there since 7 pm at 9 pm.
In the other days (Tuesday, Thursday) in the morning go to the gym, I'm almost always 1 or 2 hours, and the afternoon, go to the institute Chileno Norteamericano.
Personal Life, when I get home, check my mails for the university, review new videos on youtube, review my facebook, talk with my friends for internet, play games online with my best friend, studying when is necessary, and clean my rooms when is possible.
Free Time Activities, in the weekend go to the Quilpue with my father for help my uncle, He is building his house and I help him, also he has a minimarket also helps to sell at times. When I do not travel for Quilpue, play basquetball, go to the cinema, go shopping with my friend, depends on my moods.
Perspectives for next year, I hope finish my carrier in the university, and begin to make professional practice. Also hopes to find work and start making money.
Monday, December 5, 2011
My Neightbourhood
The name of my neighborhood is Villa Las Dalias; this place is located in La Granja district, near Santa Rosa Avenue in Santiago South.
Is a sector of house the 2 floor, for Santa Rosa Avenue there are many service, drugstore, baker´s, bank, restaurants (Chinese Food, Fast-food, Italian Food), veterinary medic, supermarket, butcher's shop, emergency health center and centers pays.
In my personal opinion, my neighborhood is a sector quiet and friendly, but sometimes there are some troubles. No problems of contamination and pollution. A relation with neighbors is normal, live there for 15 years, I know most of my neighbors.
The transportation is good for Santa Rosa Avenue, since my house until university took me 40 or 50 minutes, for me is nice despite the great distance. The bus, taxi and collective taxi spend every minute, 5 minutes walk from my house there are Subway Metro Santa Rosa.
Is a sector of house the 2 floor, for Santa Rosa Avenue there are many service, drugstore, baker´s, bank, restaurants (Chinese Food, Fast-food, Italian Food), veterinary medic, supermarket, butcher's shop, emergency health center and centers pays.
In my personal opinion, my neighborhood is a sector quiet and friendly, but sometimes there are some troubles. No problems of contamination and pollution. A relation with neighbors is normal, live there for 15 years, I know most of my neighbors.
The transportation is good for Santa Rosa Avenue, since my house until university took me 40 or 50 minutes, for me is nice despite the great distance. The bus, taxi and collective taxi spend every minute, 5 minutes walk from my house there are Subway Metro Santa Rosa.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Student movement 2011
I think the issue of education in Chile is very important, the movement of secundary and university students is a necessity for than the current authorities have to do something.
Some believe it called for improvements in education is as childish as asking for a happier world, maybe if you're right, but we as a generation we have to require education in Chile improve.
Education in Chile today is wrong, as that its purpose is to generate money. I for example, I have a millionaire debt to the state, because I study with state credit, I have to pay this debt, for many years, when either professional. (by 10 or 20 or 30 years)
In my case I do not think that free higher education is the solution, buts I do think you have to subsidize more students in traditional universities.
I personally do not participate direct in the activities strike or sit-in, but if I agree with the purpose intended.
Some believe it called for improvements in education is as childish as asking for a happier world, maybe if you're right, but we as a generation we have to require education in Chile improve.
Education in Chile today is wrong, as that its purpose is to generate money. I for example, I have a millionaire debt to the state, because I study with state credit, I have to pay this debt, for many years, when either professional. (by 10 or 20 or 30 years)
Chile is the second most unequal in the world education, Chile has the sixth highest tariffs in the world, compared to purchasing power parity-and worst system of grants to the other 5, with no world-class university, unlike the other 5. This data is sad, but all are real.
In my case I do not think that free higher education is the solution, buts I do think you have to subsidize more students in traditional universities.
I personally do not participate direct in the activities strike or sit-in, but if I agree with the purpose intended.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Free Post 2: My favorites series animated
Slam Dunk is my favorite animated series, has a very good story, it is very motivating and entertaining, this series, I started to like basketball, also shows that with effort you can achieve many things, is also a very funny series. In some chapters only laughed at the follies of the protagonis.
Slam Dunk tells the story of evolution as a basketball player and a person of its protagonist, Sakuragi Hanamichi, a 15 year old, troublesome and quarrelsome with an impressive record of rejections love behind them.
The only downside to this series is was not made the final, I could only see the end of the manga, but never did these chapters as animation.
I know very few people of my generation who do not know this animation. This series has a very good fictional plot, this series is very long, one of the longest I've ever seen.
Dragon Ball - 153 episodes
Dragon Ball Z - 291 episodes
Dragon Ball BG - 64 episodes
Dragon Ball - 153 episodes
Dragon Ball Z - 291 episodes
Dragon Ball BG - 64 episodes
Dragon Ball is the story of Goku, a brave and innocent young man with incredible powers who ventures into a mystical journey in exotic lands developed full of noble warriors, princesses beautiful, mutant monsters, aliens, villains and cruel armies.
In Dragon Ball Z continues the inevitable battle between good and evil, between right and wrong, between the pure hearts and empty souls. It is an exploration in search of dreams, the realization of the most intimate secret desires and insatiable hunger for power.
In Dragon Ball Z continues the inevitable battle between good and evil, between right and wrong, between the pure hearts and empty souls. It is an exploration in search of dreams, the realization of the most intimate secret desires and insatiable hunger for power.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Free Post: My favorite TV series
I love the TV series, and one of my favorites is Malcolm in the middle, is a bit old but it makes me laugh a lot when I see it.
The show is about a boy named Malcolm and his dysfunctional family. In the show Malcolm is the third of four boys, his brothers and their parents, Lois and Hal.
The son oldest, Francis, was sent away to military school, leaving at home his three younger brothers, Reese, Malcolm and Dewey.
Malcolm being the middle child still at home . In season four, the character Jamie was added to the show as the fifth son.
The show's early seasons centered on Malcolm dealing with the rigors of being an adolescent and enduring the eccentricities of his life.
One of the funniest characters in the series for me is the fourth brother (Dewey) is the younger brother. His role is usually that of the victim to his brothers. Dewey is very intelligent, even being able to fool and manipulate Malcolm in later episodes.
Despite his intelligence, he is placed in a remedial class for slower students due to a misunderstanding, him for being so clever even manipulates his teacher.
Reese also is funny because it is very stupid and never understands the Malcon plans.
Malcon the main character in the series is very intelligent and always have plan all, the chapters that made me laugh most was where his plans went against him.
The parents of this family are very special, Lois is a neurotic mother and sometimes crazy, think a lot in strange punishment to keep their children in order.
Hal's this father is softer with their children, they always try to take advantage of his, although in some chapters also show how smart he is.
My best holiday
My best holiday was at 2001 in the region of maule, Linares in the place of the foothills of the called Vega de Sala.
The sector is owned by my family, is 20 hectares, inherited from my grandparents, it's are just fields, river and mountains. I recently wanted to divide the land but luckily they held together.
We have not built a house in the sector, so we had to sleep in tents, it was not very comfortable but no matter because I enjoyed it.
I was with all my family, we did activities such as swimming in the river, ride horses, climb the hill, also we visited a mine silver and gold.
We were one month in the sector, I which amused me most were the horse races that I had with my cousins, and long hours in a place that acumulated water from the river, and we could swim at ease with my cousins
With my dad, uncles and cousins went to hunt rabbits, was sad, but we take for lunch the next day, what more lunch was corn and potatoes because we have a small plantation in the sector.
The sector is owned by my family, is 20 hectares, inherited from my grandparents, it's are just fields, river and mountains. I recently wanted to divide the land but luckily they held together.
We have not built a house in the sector, so we had to sleep in tents, it was not very comfortable but no matter because I enjoyed it.
I was with all my family, we did activities such as swimming in the river, ride horses, climb the hill, also we visited a mine silver and gold.
We were one month in the sector, I which amused me most were the horse races that I had with my cousins, and long hours in a place that acumulated water from the river, and we could swim at ease with my cousins
With my dad, uncles and cousins went to hunt rabbits, was sad, but we take for lunch the next day, what more lunch was corn and potatoes because we have a small plantation in the sector.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Latin American Stereotypes
The image shows the South American continent stereotyped, as EE.UU. sees Latin America.

Stereotypes in Latin America are many, now makes a list by country of the first to come to mind
Argentina: conceited, meat and roasts, Maradona is the god, hate to Brazil
Brazil: Women beautiful beaches with people playing soccer, Pele is the god, hate to Argentina
Peru: Incas, brown people, speaks good Spanish, hate Chile
Bolivia: No Sea, economic and political problems, hate to Chile
Mexico: Hats large, Tequila, mustaches, and they love to hate U.S.
Chile: beautiful cities, vast territory and small population, inequality, talk too fast, hate the Peruvian and Bolivian
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez, Communist, Oil, Hates U.S.
Colombia: Drugs, violence, the Medellin Cartel.
Uruguay: Argentina small
Paraguay: Catholic people
Cuba: Fidel, communists all, very old cars
Haiti: poverty, African culture
Stereotypes in chile there are many, as it is generalized to the community especially the youth with the same trends. Some examples of stereotypes in young Chileans are: Flytes, rappers, Emo, Pelolais.
This is not correct for my, but it happens a lot these days, stereotypes are useless, because entire communities grouped arbitrarily.
Argentina: conceited, meat and roasts, Maradona is the god, hate to Brazil
Brazil: Women beautiful beaches with people playing soccer, Pele is the god, hate to Argentina
Peru: Incas, brown people, speaks good Spanish, hate Chile
Bolivia: No Sea, economic and political problems, hate to Chile
Mexico: Hats large, Tequila, mustaches, and they love to hate U.S.
Chile: beautiful cities, vast territory and small population, inequality, talk too fast, hate the Peruvian and Bolivian
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez, Communist, Oil, Hates U.S.
Colombia: Drugs, violence, the Medellin Cartel.
Uruguay: Argentina small
Paraguay: Catholic people
Cuba: Fidel, communists all, very old cars
Haiti: poverty, African culture
Stereotypes in chile there are many, as it is generalized to the community especially the youth with the same trends. Some examples of stereotypes in young Chileans are: Flytes, rappers, Emo, Pelolais.
This is not correct for my, but it happens a lot these days, stereotypes are useless, because entire communities grouped arbitrarily.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Favourite Beach
Bahia Inglesa, Chile
El Quisco, Chile
The beach that I like is called Bahia Inglesa and is in the north of Chile, I went as a child, was 12 years old, I liked it because the sand is white, the sea is clear and clean, like few beaches in the country.
The beach that will more visite has been the Quisco, the last 5 or 6 years I have visited 1 week or 2 weeks in the summer, is not as pretty as Bahia Inglesa but it is much cheaper and it is close to Santiago.
I would like to revisit Bahia Inglesa, have already spent over 10 years that I was, I'd go now with my girlfriend for her to also see the beautiful beach.
At the Quisco I've gone several times with my girlfriend, she loves the beach so we had a great time during the day going to the beach to swim and sunbathe, at night we went down to downtown, because which are always placed rides artesanales and games,also is very pleasant to walk at night in the summer is an excellent climate.
Also I have never had security problems on the Quisco beach everything is very quiet and hard to see problems of offenders or street fights, but just in recent years have seen people more problematic at night.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The first CD I bought
The first CD I bought was a present for my father for his birthday, this was in February 2001, still has the CD and so hear it a lot.
The album was purchased in the market Biobío, take me long to find it, its title was Neil Diamond Hot August Night, were two compact discs so its price at that time was expensive.
The album was purchased in the market Biobío, take me long to find it, its title was Neil Diamond Hot August Night, were two compact discs so its price at that time was expensive.
I personally am not a fan of Neil Diamond, but I listened to many songs on the CDs with my father and if I liked some songs like:
- Solitary Man
- Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon
- Stones
- Cracklin 'Rosie
- Holly Holy
I've never purchaser a CD for me, seems very strange but is true, when I was younger I not liked the music, in the last 3 or 4 years, I like it better the music and I buy my first a compact disc.
I think in the coming years the industry the CDs going to die, because as technology advances will be better create a system for storing music on a more permanent and higher quality memory cards in recent years come in many devices playing music, maybe this is what replaces the CD, not yet known, but time will tell.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Correction of post's Valentina
I think that studying geography we have had many interesting field trips, but my favorite fiel trip It wasnt for the University, it was in "Caleta Tortel", studing the river Baker.
3 years ago on vacations I went to Coyhaique, specifically to "Caleta Tortel" because my sister was working in a fondecyt project of investigation to the river baker, and she needed an assistant.
The investigation was on the benthic area of the river, and the species that they were living.
The team of work it was compound for 2 marine biologist, a chemistry of laboratory, a technician of navigation and me.
For 10 days we were waking up every day at 6:30 and we were going out in boat to taking samples with technological equipments. I was a small boat Because of it we had to to be organized well in the labors.
Then We were returning to the 13.00 to have lunch, and after it we were analyzing the samples old day.
I learned very much about the discipline, the teamwork and about the river baker.
And it was very interesting to understand something of the local geography
Undoubtedly I would like to return to take part of a trip study like that.
3 years ago on vacations I went to Coyhaique, specifically to "Caleta Tortel" because my sister was working in a fondecyt project of investigation to the river baker, and she needed an assistant.
The investigation was on the benthic area of the river, and the species that they were living.
The team of work it was compound for 2 marine biologist, a chemistry of laboratory, a technician of navigation and me.
For 10 days we were waking up every day at 6:30 and we were going out in boat to taking samples with technological equipments. I was a small boat Because of it we had to to be organized well in the labors.
Then We were returning to the 13.00 to have lunch, and after it we were analyzing the samples old day.
I learned very much about the discipline, the teamwork and about the river baker.
And it was very interesting to understand something of the local geography
Undoubtedly I would like to return to take part of a trip study like that.
Simbology: p= punctuation; sp= spelling; ww= wrong word; sm= something missing; nn= not needed; wt= wrong tense; wf= wrong form.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A Field Trip
View of Santiago from Cerro Manquehue
One of my best field trips was the one who made the subject of biogeography, was in the third year of university.
Went to the hill Manquehue It was especially fun because we got to know field names and the different characteristics of the species that exist there.
I really liked it at first was not very motivated, but over time the teacher explained everything very clearly and motivated me a lot.
It has a "sclerophyllous forest type". There are trees as a Peumo, Quillay, Litre, Bollén, Chequén y Maitén. There are few shrubs such as guayacán. In the field trip we know most of these species mentioned above, its features and how to recognize them easily, scientific names, and why they thrive in this sector.
The sector of Cerro Manquehue (1.600m) includes other minor peaks, but they offer a pleasant adventure a few hours, as is the Manquehuito (1.300 m) to the east and Mount Carbon (1.350m) to the west. The Cerro San Cristobal and Santa Lucia, true urban parks, are the western tip of this cord.
In the field tripwe did not get to the top of the hill, although many of my classmates if they wanted to reach the top, but as far as we move was enough to know the species that interested us.
One of my best field trips was the one who made the subject of biogeography, was in the third year of university.
Went to the hill Manquehue It was especially fun because we got to know field names and the different characteristics of the species that exist there.
I really liked it at first was not very motivated, but over time the teacher explained everything very clearly and motivated me a lot.
It has a "sclerophyllous forest type". There are trees as a Peumo, Quillay, Litre, Bollén, Chequén y Maitén. There are few shrubs such as guayacán. In the field trip we know most of these species mentioned above, its features and how to recognize them easily, scientific names, and why they thrive in this sector.
The sector of Cerro Manquehue (1.600m) includes other minor peaks, but they offer a pleasant adventure a few hours, as is the Manquehuito (1.300 m) to the east and Mount Carbon (1.350m) to the west. The Cerro San Cristobal and Santa Lucia, true urban parks, are the western tip of this cord.
In the field tripwe did not get to the top of the hill, although many of my classmates if they wanted to reach the top, but as far as we move was enough to know the species that interested us.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
MSN and Forum: Social Network Tools
For me the best tools on the internet and also the most use are: MSN and discussion forums.
I use msn to contact my friends and talk about different things, also to know of my family who are far away.
Also I used to work with my university friends, when we have no time to get together to do group work.
I use msn to contact my friends and talk about different things, also to know of my family who are far away.
Also I used to work with my university friends, when we have no time to get together to do group work.
The other tool I mentioned are Internet discussion forums, post them I realize my opinion on any topic, and also reviewed the opinions of others. It is very fun to discuss different viewpoints and defend each of the positions.
The frequency of daily use those tools, reviewed many times a day, when I'm in college and when I got home, I review the new views of other users.
The I started to use MSN 8 or 9 years ago do not really know, the discussion forums started wearing two years ago, and are of different topics as the actuality of Chilean politics, sports and video games online.
It's fun in the forums to see how some people agree on some issues and is more fun when you do not have the same view, read and analyze the arguments of the person who has another point of view, for better discussion.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sporting Event Game between Chile v/s Argentina
Classifications match for FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010, It was a historic triumph for the Chilean national team football because for the first time, the Chilean team manages to win 3 points versus Argentina, for qualifying for the World Cup.
That day I was in the national stadium, and will be unforgettable, because chile attacked the whole game and never looked tired against a powerful opponent like Argentina.
The year was 2008, during the first half of the match, the newly admitted to the football Fabian Orellana scored the goal that gave the victory to Chile.
On the play of Gol Gary Medel was the one who performed the pass to Fabian and was on 35 minutes.
Celebrations around the stadium was impressive, many people could not believe what was happening on the pitch, everyone was happy and hoped that the results continue until the final whistle. I was always confident that Chile would win because he deserved it, as Chile played always on the offensive, the Argentine players were seen diminished and uncertain.
Ultimately this win was very important because Chile finished third in the rankings to the World Cup South Africa 2010, a position that had not been reached before, as many think it was thanks to the technical direction of Marcelo Bielsa, and also to the great capacity of national teams.
My favorite movie
Directed by: Ron Howard Starring: Russell Crowe Jennifer Connelly Ed Harris Paul Bettany Christopher Plummer Josh Lucas Judd Hirsch Studio: Imagine Entertainment Distributed by: Universal Studios (USA) DreamWorks (USA) Release date: December 21, 2001 (2001-12-21) Running time: 135 minutes Country: United States The first time I saw this movie was on TV one Saturday night, caught my attention from start to finish, I do not remember the year I saw but it was in 2005 or 2006 I like this movie because it shows the life of a genius. It also shows the detrimental effects of schizophrenia, such as those affected by this disease can not account for what happens and how they invent situations far removed from reality. Furthermore, this film keeps you in suspense until the very end, we do not know what situations in the film are real and which are invented by the sick mind of the protagonist. This film is special to me because it makes me get into the situation of the protagonist and how terrible it would be for me to go through this terrible disease, and also because the film is based on a true story, as the mathematician John Nash existed. |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I introduce myself
My name is Victor Nunez, I am a Geography student at the University of Chile, I am 23 years old. In my free time I like to play basketball and play games online with my friends.
This is my first blog in English, I hope you like it and also hopefully help me better understand my english, see you in class bye
This is my first blog in English, I hope you like it and also hopefully help me better understand my english, see you in class bye
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